ARPCF Statements

The following are statements made by the Anti-Racism Program of the CJPME Foundation (ARPCF) in response to select incidents of racism in Canada. While the ARPCF is prepared to respond to any form of racism, its focal area of expertise is in anti-Palestinian racism (APR), anti-Arab racism, and Islamophobia.

York University Must Put an End to Its Anti-Palestinian Racism

View this pdf in pdf format. Montreal, Sep 30, 2024— The Anti-Racism Program of the CJPME Foundation (ARPCF) condemns the longstanding repression of pro-Palestinian voices at York University (YU), as highlighted by the “Surveilled & Silenced” report, created by the Race Equity Caucus at York University.  Sharply intensifying since October 2023, the report made clear that this suppression targets students, faculty, and staff across all levels, blatantly disregarding their rights and academic freedoms. The ARPCF considers that historic and ongoing actions by the university administration, including policing responses to student encampments, reflect a deep-seated anti-Palestinian racism (APR) that undermines both academic integrity and freedom of expression.   Continue reading


ARPCF Condemns Defamation Campaign Against CUPE Ontario President for Supporting Palestine

View this pdf in pdf format. Montreal, Aug 23, 2024— The Anti-Racism Program of the CJPME Foundation (ARPCF) condemns the recent campaign of defamation against Fred Hahn, President of CUPE Ontario, which is orchestrated by certain pro-Israeli factions, media outlets, and even the CUPE National Executive. This campaign maliciously accuses Hahn of antisemitism based on decontextualized comments and a misrepresentation of his legitimate criticism of Israel's policies and actions.  Continue reading


ARPCF Condemns MP Wayne Long's Anti-Palestinian Actions in Saint John, NB

View this statement in pdf format Montreal, Aug 22, 2024— The Anti-Racism Program of the CJPME Foundation (ARPCF) condemns the persistent and public anti-Palestinian actions of MP Wayne Long in Saint John, N.B. Over the past several months, MP Long has engaged in a deliberate campaign to discredit and intimidate local Palestine solidarity activists. His tactics include spreading misinformation and unfounded allegations against activists to distract from his government’s role in supporting the ongoing illegal Israeli occupation of Palestine and Israel’s human rights violations in Gaza.  Continue reading


ARPCF Condemns Unfair Cancellation of Palestinian Cultural Performance on New Brunswick Day

View this statement in pdf format Montreal, Aug 09, 2024— The Anti-Racism Program of the CJPME Foundation (ARPCF) condemns the sudden cancellation of a planned Palestinian folk dance performance at the New Brunswick Day celebrations in Fredericton. According to local organizers, the Palestinian folk dance performance (Dabke) was cancelled at the last minute, cloaked under the guise of 'public safety concerns' without any substantiated explanation.  Continue reading


Student Union’s Dodging Discussion is Anti-Palestinian Racism: ARPCF

View this statement in pdf format. Montreal, July 29, 2024— The Anti-Racism Program of the CJPME Foundation (ARPCF) condemns the University of Manitoba Student Union's (UMSU) recent actions that prevent meaningful dialogue with pro-Palestinian student groups. UMSU's decision to postpone a meeting addressing anti-Palestinian racism, citing vague safety concerns, appears to be a tactic to avoid recognizing and addressing discrimination faced by Palestinian students on campus. Continue reading


ARPCF Questions NDP Leader Stiles Over Modified Tweet

View this statement in pdf format. Montreal, July 18, 2024— The Anti-Racism Program of the CJPME Foundation (ARPCF) questions Ontario NDP Leader Marit Stiles for changing a tweet following smear attacks by the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center (FWSC) and Honest Reporting Canada (HRC). Stiles initially expressed admiration of the beauty of the Palestinian embroidery on July 15th 2024. FWSC and HRC criticized Stiles for her appreciation of Palestinian cultural displays at the Taste of the Middle East Toronto Festival, including one depicting a historical map of Palestine. Rather than defending this organic form of Palestinian representation, Stiles removed the initial embroidery image she had posted on her X account and replace it with another one. Continue reading


ARPCF commends U. of Windsor’s Recognition of Palestinian Rights

View this statement in pdf format. Montreal, July 12, 2024— The Anti-Racism Program of the CJPME Foundation (ARPCF) commends the University of Windsor for its progressive stance upholding decolonization values as reflected through its recent agreement with student activists. This agreement, a direct outcome of persistent student-led encampments, mandates the University of Windsor to undertake multiple significant actions. These include the partial disclosure of investments that impact Palestinian rights, the assurance of free expression for pro-Palestinian advocacy on campus, the establishment of an anti-oppression resource website, and mandatory training on anti-Palestinian racism and antisemitism. This comprehensive approach not only acknowledges the rights of Palestinians but also aligns the university's operations with international human rights standards. Continue reading


Alberta Health Services (AHS) Must Uphold its Diversity and Inclusion Policy.

View this statement in pdf format. Montreal, July 09, 2024— The Anti-Racism Program of the CJPME Foundation (ARPCF) condemns Alberta Health Services (AHS) for displaying both anti-Palestinian and anti-Indigenous racism within its practices. According to a recent reporting by Jeremy Appel in The Orchard, AHS officials have labeled calls for solidarity with Palestine as overly political, discriminatory, and violent, thereby ignoring the impact of genocide on Palestinian healthcare systems. Several such incidents were used to silence employees within the AHS who wished to express solidarity with Palestinians under Israeli occupation. Simultaneously, Appel’s article highlighted reports of a disturbing pattern of anti-Indigenous racism in Alberta, evident in failure to offer equitable services to First Nations patients. This systemic bias highlights a broader issue of institutional racism that undermines the health and dignity of colonized and Indigenous peoples, asserting a settler colonial structure that dehumanizes and marginalizes based on ethnicity and political convenience. Continue reading


ARPCF condemns the role of Public Safety Canada in dehumanizing pro-Palestine protests in Canada.

View this statement in pdf format. Montreal, July 05, 2024— The Anti-Racism Program of the CJPME Foundation (ARPCF) strongly criticizes statements by Public Safety Canada (PSC) that dangerously mischaracterized pro-Palestine advocacy and protests as extensions of terrorist activities. These statements falsely frame the Palestinian struggle for rights and self-determination under Israeli occupation as terrorism. This framing not only distorts the peaceful nature of these protests but also perpetuates harmful stereotypes of Palestinians and their supporters as inherently violent. This systemic depiction of pro-Palestine solidarity as inherently hateful, violent, antisemitic, terrorist, uncivilized, unintelligent, and backward constitutes a form of Anti-Palestinian Racism (APR), according to the Arab Canadian Lawyers Association’s definition of APR. Continue reading


ARPCF Demands Halt to Aid Worker’s Deportation on Grounds of APR

View this statement in pdf format. Montreal, Jun 27, 2024 — The Anti-Racism Program of the CJPME Foundation (ARPCF) condemns the recent deportation order of aid worker Majeda Sarassra as an act of anti-Palestinian racism (APR) that denies Palestinian experiences and criminalizes Palestinian everyday life under Israeli military occupation. Sarassra was a West Bank-based employee of the International Relief Fund for the Afflicted and Needy Canada (IRFAN-Canada), where she worked part-time in the city of Bethlehem. Her role involved distributing financial aid to children whose fathers had died, providing crucial support to needy families in Palestine. By targeting Sarassra for her employment with IRFAN-Canada, Canadian authorities are effectively penalizing her for participating in humanitarian efforts within the context of her life under Israeli occupation. This action not only dismisses the lived realities of Palestinians but also undermines their right to provide aid and support within their communities. Continue reading